Friday 2 November 2007

Listening to Jethro Tull again, Crest of kNAVE, 'she said She was a Dancer' lovely song.

used a new word today, Risible; it's a word writers like and it is more read than heard at least by me. wasn't initially sure of the meaning; risible: the sound of low-fat bacon grilling?; risible: the quality of being overinflated with wind to the point where one threatens to rise from the ground?

no; I did the sensible thing and checked the dikshhinarry: it means laughable.

I can't upload it yet , but do I want the shame?

above is a picture which is an old one. lonng sinse destroyed; it's acrylic , large 3x3ft: Marcus Harvey with egg and sausages, I am especially pleased with the egg and sausages, painted in acrylic on watercolour paper and cut out and stuck on so as to be movable,eg; sausage mouth, egg eye etc.

It's a bit blurred.

Marcus is the infamous painter of the Myra Hindley picture which provoked outrage some years back.

Oh I've managed to upload the risible effort (sideways-I'm in a hurry)((no;I've fixed it now)) and one of a leaf I did last night; gouache on the back on a padded envelope, properly drawn mind you , not used as a stencil. just so you know.

well. I'm off to work if you can call it that.

(Got stung on the adam's apple this morning whilst on m'bike !!!! sinse when did the insect world declare war on me; was it something I said, perhaps about vegetarianism? speaking of which........)


Letícia said...

You wrote in my blog. It's not Spanish, it's Portuguese!

Letícia said...

I got the pics from the Google website.