here's two stages in the latest painting I've done, although I have done or am doing some watercolours which may appear here, although watercolours don't seem to look so good on the blog (perhaps I'm simply crap at watercolour: but don't tell that to my watercolour classes or they may ask for a refund) the a painting a day title is a shameless attempt to attract web surfer's attention as a lot of very good as well as some of modest talent do a painting a day blog and people seem quite taken with it I think I already suggested checking out carol maine's painting a day blog duaine keiner is another very good one; indeed her may have been the progenitor (is that a word and if so what does it mean; nothing rude I hope!)
in training for Christmas by eating 2 mince pies a day. training is so improtant dontcha think?dontcha!
weLl it's off to work I GO
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