Thursday 16 August 2007

week 4 of my summer break and I've only painted one painting that I can recall, taken lots of photo's but not as many as someone I know who went to Japan for a couple of weeks or maybe 3 and took 1000 photo#s! must be at least one or two good ones among that lot.

This is the painting, a larger version of one done earlier this year. It has photo'd a bit hard, the painting looks a little softer in the 'flesh' but I have struggled with the top middle fold and may paint it out yet. we'll see. well I did and the one on the left, (why it's a different colour I don't know) but I painted out the top fold which I thought too heavy.

Went to see the Beryl Cook exhibition last week, I may have said this already, but although I am not a fan of her silly stuff I thought some were very good paintings; good compositions making very good use of the small rectangle she paints in. Apparently she likes black.

Talking of photo's and the taking thereof, a week and a bit ago I went out taking pictures of people for to use in September's classes when and where we are drawing people. well didn#t someone call the police on me1 now I know I have a funny look but it was quite embarrassing, the young cop was very nice about it and after seeing that my pictures were mainly of a bunch of blokes playing cricket and another bunch of blokes playing cricket he was quite happy, but with hindsight I can see how I must have made some people feel uncomfortable.

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