Monday 20 August 2007

its only fair to warn readers that today's etymology is scatological, at least I think it is. I was perusing the fact that we can talk about the same thing, but the words we use determine acceptability or otherwise. For example it is ok to use the word poo especially with children, poop is ok in older company as well as younger, it is a bit funny and a bit harmless: the word Toad uses when thinking about driving; crap, a bit more adolescent, less childish for those a bit embarrassed by poo; dump: american and more descriptive but not ,in my books for mixed company; sh*t : no good at all for polite company despite being a favorite of filmakers as a last word before some disaster such as one's car plunging off a cliff. SSSSS








Sh*te: despite being the original anglosaxon or old english is now considered very crude and common and definitely not for polite society.

anyway I was thinking about it partly because I saw a small woman out walking two very big dogs the other morning and she had two big carrier bags, not pooperscopperbags, and they looked full. Sadly I was too slow with the camera but I thought it looked quite interesting. I do feel a little sorry for good dog owners walking the streets carrying bags of poo) But when I step in some somehow 'poo' isn't a strong enough word! Well done that good dog owner. And on the subject of good dogs, I don't really think a dog can be good or bad as they are incapable of moral choices unlike their owners.

Anyway on the subject of cameras I have decided to stop fighting it and admit I am a photographer as well as an artist; there, I admit it.Here's one I took today.
OH its gone to the top
anyway hope no-one was offende dby today's content I am on holiday you know.

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