Thursday 19 February 2009

the sins of the normans and John

but is it art? I just don't know, but I enjoyed clarting around with these photographs from today's expedition to Durham. I was really after a view I have seen in photos ad paintings of the Cathedral seen over rooftops but couldn't find such a view I shall keep on looking though.
I twas a nice day and listened to Led Zeppelin for first time in ages, I had stopped after reading a bit about their unsavoury shenanigans in their hay days involving a 17 year old groupie when you have daughters of 15 and 18 , 17 seems too close to childhood and thought we are told not to speak ill of the dead, John Bonhamm! you depraved son of a ********!!!! he was a great drummer but it does raise again the question of whether being talented is anything to do with being good and of course the answer is a resounding no. The current worship of talent is spiritually misleading to say the least but that's enough pf that for now. here are some pictures, I did come home and do a bit of painting and pastelling so it must have been a little bit inspiring.

climbed to the top of the cathedral tower, nice place but I possibly have said this before I can't help thinking about the marauding Normans when I see the cathedral, after coming across killing loads, pillaging lots stealing all the land they decide to build a few big churches! thats spirituality for you!!

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