Wednesday, 28 November 2007

this is the paintng I did at a demonstration at North Shields art society, I thought althouhgt the occasion went reasonably ok the painitng is pretty rubbish, may try and improve it; watch this space. Just noticed thatdemonstration starts with demon!!!! no wonder it is devilishly difficult.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

a painting a day dave armstrong

just to remind readers to the left is a link to my other photograph blog just click to be transported to some pictures.

here's two stages in the latest painting I've done, although I have done or am doing some watercolours which may appear here, although watercolours don't seem to look so good on the blog (perhaps I'm simply crap at watercolour: but don't tell that to my watercolour classes or they may ask for a refund) the a painting a day title is a shameless attempt to attract web surfer's attention as a lot of very good as well as some of modest talent do a painting a day blog and people seem quite taken with it I think I already suggested checking out carol maine's painting a day blog duaine keiner is another very good one; indeed her may have been the progenitor (is that a word and if so what does it mean; nothing rude I hope!) I was influenced in this painting bu Georgia o' Keefe who waas brilliant. look her up on the net if you will you won't be displeased I guarantee, she is one of those artist's everyone likes or admires.

Im currently or perhaps presents although definately not momentarily (don't you hate the mis and overuse of that word- I blame the yanks myself -learn to talk proper englandish I sey!)
in training for Christmas by eating 2 mince pies a day. training is so improtant dontcha think?dontcha!
weLl it's off to work I GO

Friday, 16 November 2007

i have a new photograph blog, no silly talk:just pictures and a bit of description. Click on davetakespictures top left of this blog and hope for the best!

Saturday, 10 November 2007

already did this posting but in wrong blog! I have another which I intended to put more photos but accidentally put this one on so being unable to work out how to transfer it must rewrite!!!!!
went to Alice Cooper concert last night, support act Motorhead; dire? :haven't been in so much pain since a visit to the dentist! Alice was good, all the classics, although sound wasn't brilliant, perhaps my ears were still knackered from Motorhead. At the interval I went to the big foyer place to stretch my legs and get some refreshment and noticed a few people looking at me, then realised that in my beige woolly jumper I kind of stood out in the crowd of black clad others. I figured if anyone asked I would say I was dyslexic and thought I'd bought a ticket for Val Doonigan. here's me as Alice (Alice?who the heck is Alice?-actually saw a big ad form Roy (Chubby) Brown on the way back from Newcastle today.) Is there anything so well designed to make one look a twit more than a cycling helmet? I ask you. Went out this morning in the rain on my bike to St Mary's Island and got very wet.But felt slightly heroic, although I was tempted to ask some joggers if I was going the right way to the meeting of the total idiot club.
This might possibly be my worst ever painting! then again sad to say I've probably done even worse. What was I thinking (don't paint while hungry?)

now on the aforementioned bike ride something made me think about how in the comics of yore, there wasn't only superman, but supergirl (who developed, naturally, into superwoman), superhorse, superdog, cat and even monkey; I can't rememeber any superbudgie, but my memory isn't what it was (what was it?)
Anyway I was thinking, it is bad enough to get plopped on by a flying pigeon, but if superhorse was flying overhead!!!!!

Friday, 2 November 2007

Listening to Jethro Tull again, Crest of kNAVE, 'she said She was a Dancer' lovely song.

used a new word today, Risible; it's a word writers like and it is more read than heard at least by me. wasn't initially sure of the meaning; risible: the sound of low-fat bacon grilling?; risible: the quality of being overinflated with wind to the point where one threatens to rise from the ground?

no; I did the sensible thing and checked the dikshhinarry: it means laughable.

I can't upload it yet , but do I want the shame?

above is a picture which is an old one. lonng sinse destroyed; it's acrylic , large 3x3ft: Marcus Harvey with egg and sausages, I am especially pleased with the egg and sausages, painted in acrylic on watercolour paper and cut out and stuck on so as to be movable,eg; sausage mouth, egg eye etc.

It's a bit blurred.

Marcus is the infamous painter of the Myra Hindley picture which provoked outrage some years back.

Oh I've managed to upload the risible effort (sideways-I'm in a hurry)((no;I've fixed it now)) and one of a leaf I did last night; gouache on the back on a padded envelope, properly drawn mind you , not used as a stencil. just so you know.

well. I'm off to work if you can call it that.

(Got stung on the adam's apple this morning whilst on m'bike !!!! sinse when did the insect world declare war on me; was it something I said, perhaps about vegetarianism? speaking of which........)