This blogging
malarky sounds all well and good but isn't it all a bit like hard work? not to worry here goes, I am a bit of a technophobe and would rather all the technical bits were done by somone else; but what are you going to do?
I suppose the point is to share our art in hopfully a meaningful way whatever that means, but as for the words, isn't there a danger in giving too much away, it seems so private sitting here tapping away at a keybourd but what if someone acxtually reads all the waffle!
Anyway I shall shuttup and attempt to put up a painting or two... here goes-well surprise; it worked. The one on the left is was drawn on paper from a photo of shadows on a wall in North Shields, I like shadows (who doesn't-uinless it's the shadow of a madman with an axe on your bedroom wall?) then cut out and used as a stencil with spray paint, it was fumy but fun. I like trees.
Haven't got the hang of this, the second painting should be down here but it won't come down!
I shall have to work on this. The red scarf with lemons is a painting I did when on a run of a painting a week, 2 -3 hours every saturday morning for about 13 weeks, oil on a small (12 inch) canvas, it was a good run but when I missed a week or two I never got back into it. I sold this one in Corbridge but they took a canny bit of comission which took a little of the joy of selling and I miss the picture a bit! Lemons are hard to paint! Well that's all for now.
For those who care this first attempt has been eased into eexistence while listening to the Rolling Stones; 'Give me Shelter'; fantastic!