Monday, 30 April 2007

0 comments!, am I too impatient? too wordy that's f'sure. here's a photo I took, I think it's lush!

took on my belly by the water's edge.

Sunday, 29 April 2007

1000 St Mary's Islands

At the moment I am involved in a project imaginatively entitled '1000 St Mary's Islands' Me and about 89 other drawers and painters are busy producing 1000 post card size(5and a half by 4 inch) drawings and paintings of the island and lighhouse. 'Why on earth?' you ask. Well, mainly for fun but also to see if it sparks the imagination to take a subject some may think has been done to death and see if we can find a fresh angle. I have produced about 70 so far (yes art is a form of madness but a benign form) and I am not sick of it yet. I have had some great mornings down ther on my bike with my sketchbook and camera and have found for me some fresh views thought the usual view isn't bad either, and what if 'everybody' has done it, its a lovely subject.
One of the ladies from my friday group told a friend that we were doing St Mary's Island, 'How boring' her friend commented, 'not the way we are doing it!' the first lady responded. And I think she was right, its not what you you its the way....

The results will be displayed at a coffee morning at the Linskill cnetre on May 12 and therafter for a fornight at Whitley Bay library, the Lighthouse itself and probably one or two other venues (Although the individual pics are small the overall size will be huge!)

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

a tentative start

This blogging malarky sounds all well and good but isn't it all a bit like hard work? not to worry here goes, I am a bit of a technophobe and would rather all the technical bits were done by somone else; but what are you going to do?

I suppose the point is to share our art in hopfully a meaningful way whatever that means, but as for the words, isn't there a danger in giving too much away, it seems so private sitting here tapping away at a keybourd but what if someone acxtually reads all the waffle!

Anyway I shall shuttup and attempt to put up a painting or two... here goes-well surprise; it worked. The one on the left is was drawn on paper from a photo of shadows on a wall in North Shields, I like shadows (who doesn't-uinless it's the shadow of a madman with an axe on your bedroom wall?) then cut out and used as a stencil with spray paint, it was fumy but fun. I like trees.
Haven't got the hang of this, the second painting should be down here but it won't come down!
I shall have to work on this. The red scarf with lemons is a painting I did when on a run of a painting a week, 2 -3 hours every saturday morning for about 13 weeks, oil on a small (12 inch) canvas, it was a good run but when I missed a week or two I never got back into it. I sold this one in Corbridge but they took a canny bit of comission which took a little of the joy of selling and I miss the picture a bit! Lemons are hard to paint! Well that's all for now.
For those who care this first attempt has been eased into eexistence while listening to the Rolling Stones; 'Give me Shelter'; fantastic!