Saturday, 21 November 2009

but what had happened to the boy names custard?: no-one seemed to know.
i take far too many photo's,

shame this is out of focus but I still like it
this is my favorite tree , a little oak.

this is a contrail with shadow

i also like crows,

and clouds, this formation p[robably has a name but I don't know I do have two cloud books so I ought to chack it out, it is probably a kind of alto stratus, maybe cirro stratus, how do you tell?
just had a quick check and it might be altocummulus undulatus, then again............

and this is easy: evening cumulus

with a silver lining

although these last three are actually in reverse order of taking,

Sunday, 15 November 2009

a few more pics from last week, some nice sunny mornings as well as some rainy nights there is a crescent moon somewhere if you look hard, or even if you look soft
here it is, more bigger

Saturday, 14 November 2009

more skies over the last week.